Work Late With The Best Worksite Lighting

Work Late With The Best Worksite Lighting

October is the month where it's getting darker a lot earlier. This can mean work days can end a little earlier, resulting in prolonged completion of a project. How can this problem be solved? There are extremely bright temporary lighting fixtures you can use to light up majority or all of your work area. They come in tons of sizes and styles, so you can use one suitable for your purpose. Below, we've listed some of our favorite temporary industrial lighting. These can be used for at-home projects as well.

The Wobblelight

Wobblelight in models left to right: 111104, 111303LED, & 111204

The Wobblelight comes in a couple of models, sizes, and is unique; one reason is because it is self-righting. If the Wobblelight gets knocked over, it bounces right back to an upright position on it's own, letting you work uninterrupted. With 360° LEDlighting and depending on the wattage, you can have over a 100' radius lit up. It's also capable of lighting up only 180° if that is all you require, making this truly a light to fit your needs.

360° Industrial LED Light Kit

Probuilt 360° Light

The Probuilt floodlight #111508 works in four different positions making it the ultimate multi-use temporary lighting. This light can act as a floodlight, hanging light, a magnetically-held ceiling light, and on a stand. Check out this article here to see the full capabilities of this light. It has a switch that allows the user to choose between 360° lighting or 180° lighting for more concentrated light. It has no hot surfaces and when used at full power, provides energy savings with only 1.4 Amps.

Lighting Up The Floor

Check out all the light above in our latest flyer by clicking here!

Sometimes lighting from above is not necessary or not possible. Flood lighting is ideal for this scenario because it sits on the ground and can be easily aimed on your work space. They're especially convenient compared to hanging lights because they don't need to be attached to anything and some even come cordless, allowing you to have lighting where electricity or a generator are not located.

For the month of October we have a HUGE selection of temporary lighting on sale at Edmonton Fasteners & Tools Ltd., please see the flyer here. From floodlights, to hanging lights, and even handheld lights and flashlights, you'll find something to light up your life. If you already own lights, there many bulbs, stands, and other accessories you may find useful. Thank you for stopping by our blog! We'll see you in the next one.

2017 Oct 10th Ashley

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