Top 3 Quality Issues with Cheap Fasteners

Top 3 Quality Issues with Cheap Fasteners

Like anything, when price is the biggest deciding factor, and staying on budget is the purchaser's largest concern,some things, such as quality, get overlooked. When it comes to fasteners, sacrificing quality is a big no. In the long run, cheap fasteners will only jeopardize your project, your reputation, as well as affect your progress. You may even end up spending more by always having to replace defective and broken cheap fasteners.

Reasons quality fasteners are better at Edmonton Fasteners

Why You Should Not Skip Out On Quality Fasteners

1. Accuracy

Cheap fasteners are not made with as much TLC as quality fasteners. They're made with "that'll do" standards instead of "that's perfect" standards. This means cheap fasteners might be off measurement by a tiny bit, which can hurt your project in the end. They may not also be made completely of the material that it claims to be. Cheap manufacturers are more likely to be careless when it comes to material accuracy, as well as plating and coating effectively.

2. Quick Wear & Tear

Something we take pride in at Edmonton Fasteners & Tools is our emphasis on selling high quality, heavy duty, industrial-grade fasteners. With low-end, inexpensive fasteners, you can expect within no time for bolts and screws to suffer from wear and tear, as well as break into pieces during initial installation (making it more costly for you to replace broken fasteners before the project has even reached completion). Using cheap fasteners with the risk of fast wear and tear is not only unsafe but also scamming your client of their money. Give your client fasteners that will last in the longer run, not just weeks or months.

3. Extreme Conditions

Being in Edmonton, as well as the rest of Canada, we tend to have weather conditions that fluctuate from very cold to very hot, as well as dry to wet and messy. Cheap fasteners are not coated or plated as evenly as quality fasteners, which makes them vulnerable to corrosion and rust. This can severely weaken and eat away at the fastener in a short amount of time.

These are the top three issues you will be at risk of facing if you decide to rely on cheap fasteners. These issues will likely be followed by unhappy clients, negative reviews, a reputation for poor quality work, as well as the possible safety risks that clients will face if a cheap fasteners fails.

Thank you for checking out the Edmonton Fasteners blog! We offer thousands of quality fasteners of all types, shapes, and sizes by UCAN, Caddy, B-Line, Taylor, Paulin, Grabber, Buildex, Fastenmaster, Dynaline, Avdel, and many more! Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook by clicking here!

2018 Apr 3rd Ashley

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