Tips to Choosing Hearing Protection PPE

Tips to Choosing Hearing Protection PPE

Hearing PPE is crucial when you work in an extremely loud and noisy environment. Without hearing protection, a super loud environment can cause hearing damage, hearing loss (sometimes permanent), ringing in the ears (also known as tinnitus), and sometimes complete deafness. These conditions are all avoidable with wearing the proper PPE while exposed to loud sounds.

You should wear hearing protection especially when you cannot decrease the volume of the noise, when you have to work in close proximity to it, and if you need to be near it for lengthy amounts of time.

As you can tell by the large variety of hearing protection at Edmonton Fasteners, there are a lot of choices and it can get overwhelming. From simple little ear plugs to large ear muffs - what should you get? Well, we’re here to provide some guidance.

First, let’s talk about the different types of ear PPE. Typically, there are four common types:

  • Disposable ear plugs (highly protective because it reduces the sound pressure reaching the ear drums)
  • Corded ear plugs (usually washable)
  • Earmuffs (excellent for muffling sounds, but requires a good seal around the ears to prevent any noise from entering the ear)
  • Hard hat/helmet attachable earmuffs

Before purchasing, you should be familiar with the environment you’re working in and figure out how much noise needs to be reduced. You can learn this through the safety training provided by your company, familiarity with the equipment and machinery you’ll be around, or measuring the sound with a sound level meter (which can be downloaded as an app).

Almost all ear PPE provides 10dB of noise reduction, which is great for some “noisy” workplaces, but this wouldn’t be enough, for example, when working next to very loud aircraft engines. Remember, TOO much ear protection is counterproductive. You need to maintain communication with colleagues and hear your surrounds for your safety.

Next, determine factors such as:

  • What other safety equipment goes on your head that might interfere with hearing PPE? Hardhat? Helmet? Safety glasses? Facemask? Etc.
  • What does your regular work day look like? Are you constantly working near loud machinery or are you walking back and forth from it?
  • Do you wear gloves? Are your hands soiled or clean?

You may need ear muffs that attach to your safety helmet or leave room for goggles. If you’re constantly taking off your hearing PPE, perhaps corded ear plugs or ear muffs would be more convenient, and if you’re hands are always dirty - pressing ear plugs into your ear all day might not be hygienic.

Lastly, think about yourself. After you’ve determined the above, add comfort into the list. You’re going to be wearing your hearing protection regularly - might as well choose comfy ones!

Check out our selection of hearing protection online or in-store. Edmonton Fasteners experts are always glad to help.

2020 Nov 4th Ashley Côté

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