3M™ Fire Barrier Sealant, FD 150+, red, 10.1 fl. oz. (300 mL)
An acrylic latex caulk typically used to firestop metal pipes and cables through concrete or gypsum and for use in dynamic head-of-wall systems.
The 3M Fire Barrier Sealant offers a economical alternative to firestopping applications. This 3M fire barrier sealant is a single-part, sag-resistant, water-based acrylic latex sealant and has excellent adhesion characteristics to most common construction materials. In addition, since it dries to the touch within one hour, it can be painted for a more professional-looking job.
- Remains pliable allowing for typical pipe movement
- Water-based for easy installation, cleanup and disposal
- Endothermic fillers absorb heat and release water
- High-solids formula means limited shrinkage
- No solvents
- Available in 3 colours for easy identification or integration with substrate
- Multi-viscosity grade offers excellent sealant properties
- Dries to touch in 1 hour and can be painted if required